Thursday, March 11, 2010

Next hearing on 18th March,2010

I went to Central Adminstrative Tribunal court , Madras High Court along with Dr. Karthik Rajendran on 10th March,2010 . This time the case was posted under Judge. Satapathy . The DAE lawyer pleaded for  another one months time to respond to our case .Our lawer opposed it and the judge did not agree to one months postponement but gave onother weeks time to the DAE lawyer. So the case is posted on 18th March 2010. Our lawyer Mrs. Vedavalli kumar has asked me to meet her on 17th march as it is expected that DAE will give a written reply by 17th march and we will prepare the response on the same day and present it to CAT on 18th March .I also gave a copy of the orders of Dept. Of Science and Technology to our lawyer which DAE is igoing to produce in court as defence of there argument , I have pointed the specific para wherein  it says that this order is for scientist/ technologists and not for others. Friends there is hope , so far I have not found a single Govt. order recomending Flexible Complimenting Scheme (FCS)  the so called Merit Promotion Schehme of DAE for Doctors. All orders for FCS is for Scientists and Technologists. Our fight is to remove the label of scientist given to us by the department we are doctors and want to be known as doctors. We want our self respect back. Jai hind.

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