The Honourable Supreme Court of India has rejected the SLP moved by DAE against the lower court verdict to upgrade the pay scale from Rs.5500 - 9000 to 6500 - 10,500 . Details of the verdict are awaited. It is a land mark decision of the Honourable Supreme Court and shows that law of the land applies to all employees equally.
Congratulations to all the employees who rightfully reperesnted the matter to CAT.
Honourable Supreme Court of India is like King Solomon.
Jai Hind
Thanks to the greatest court for letting the law of the land prevail but these babus and so called scientists who lick babu's feet are very shrewd and shameless creatures. They will go to any extent, to create problems and put various clauses....even if that means contempt of court. Judicial activism with befitting punishment to these babus and pseudoscientists in babu's guise is a must to prevent such misadventures in future.
Dear Sir I am a doctor in armed forces and probably going through the same circumstances and situations of NON IMPLEMENTATION OF DACP. THE AFT Chandigarh has turned down the special leave application and has asked for implementation. WILL it be poosible to get a copy of this supreme court refusal to admit SLP against lower court,so that we r prepared for the next step.
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