Monday, January 18, 2010

DAE Doctors CAT case

On 3  January the first hearing of DAE Doctors case in Central Adminstrative Tribunal was held at Chennai High Court premises. The lawer defending the doctors was present to defend the case. The Govt.  lawer from Atomic energy   was also present but he did not file any waqalatnama in response to the plea of DAE Doctors. The next hearing is on 3rd feb. 2010. The Atomic Energy Lawer has to file Govt. response before that. Keep watching this updates and do write to me at AEDAK.

1 comment:

Dr.Rathore.H.S. said...

RAPS. I am fighting legal battle since 1992.The case was decided in my favour in S.B. and partially in D.B. also and reinstatement orders were passed but NPCIL has gone to S.C. and got a stay.It is my humble request that a complete case to be filed regarding all service matters altogether,like doctors to be treated as doctors only and not scientists,than only the service conditions like other doctors will be applicable. The retiring age of specialist doctors should increase to 62 years as in other central govt.service.A joint case to be filed by both DAE and NPCIL doctors as service conditions of both the organisation are same.
I have filed a writ on this issue for both DAE & NPCIL in Raj.H C.